Global data from the registry experts
A rich history
The Business Registry Insights Survey (BRI) has been running for over two decades. It was originally a paper survey which produced a paper report outlining the results of the survey.
In 2021, the survey went digital, and the results were displayed in an online digital dashboard for the first time. The digital database makes it easier to analyse the data and find relevant trends.
The BRI Working Group
The survey is managed and run by a Working Group made up of business professionals from across the world. The Group has representatives from ASORLAC, CRF, EBRA and IACA who meet throughout the year to plan future surveys, analyse survey results, and identify key topics for the business registers.

Delving into topics of interest
The annual surveys make it easy for other business registries, professional bodies, and anyone interested in business data to analyse different business registration systems and procedures. It makes it simple to compare different practices and registry performances around the world.
The surveys and reports have been structured around six major topics:
The surveys and reports have been structured around six major topics:
- Legal structure of organisations responsible for business registration
- Registration processes
- Use of e-services
- The changing role of the business registries
- Funding and fees models
- Business dynamics / trends
Take part or get in touch
Participation in the survey is open to all business registries around the world. We’re grateful to all participants for contributing to this global collection of unique business data.
If you’d like to participate or have any questions, please contact